Morning Terry,

Again, thanks for the long and detailed explanations.

I read this message several times trying to arrange the facts in my mind in the right place, being very careful as to what data to overwrite already stored at that address.

Wow.... that is a hard job, nearly impossible.

I realize I used the wrong term a place or two in the message that you referenced.

What elements are “made by man”?

    Where I used that term,  "made by man", I should have used the term,

   "chelated by man".

Man has been chelating minerals for some time, and have achieved much success.
Keep in mind I am not differentiating between plant nutrition and human nutrition.

I still think of these being the same, even though differences exist, as you pointed out.

I previously said: “Organic minerals ­ such as those
found in plants ­ do not need to be chelated.” You
responded: > Do you mean, "chelated by man" ?


   OK... so man chelates minerals but plants don't ?

No, “organic” doesn’t mean “chelation”.

   Here is were you confused me a bit.  ( not the only place )

You identified the dynamic:  “..the overall health of
the soil and biological activity..” The “biological
activity” is the action of the soils organisms
pre-digesting the minerals.

Knowing how well the minerals work that are "chelated by man", I have to believe that the
action above, accomplished naturally, is the same thing. ( or nearly so )

The minerals are in fact "chelated" to some degree in the soil. If not, the plant could not use them.

I previously said: “Chelating minerals increases the
assimilation of them, but not to the same level as is
already present in plant-based minerals.

    Here I think you mean human nutrition, not plant nutrition.

I am still of the opinion that the plant does not care, and does not discriminate between elements, no matter who prepared the meal. Man does it and nature does it.

>>> When you see a supplement with chelated minerals, you know the minerals are not

I suppose this means source or origin. Still they came from the same place.

I think we have a conflict and contradiction of terms in use. All minerals are inorganic, no life in them, and never was. A large percent of all information relative to "organically grown" has been misinformation.

No reference should be made to any mineral without referencing the compound or the
"chelation state".   Man makes compounds  and nature does the same.

  My idea of chelation and organic is virtually the same, it means
      "combining with another element or compound".

Finally, I will challenge anyone on this list, or any other list, to grow a larger, more healthy tomato plant, anyway they want than I can grow using "man chelated minerals" or major and minor elements.

Total pounds of production per plant would be the deciding factor. A sick and wanting plant will not be very productive. Nor will one that is feeding on defective minerals or the wrong form of any nutrient. Even a minor or trace mineral deficiency will show up in plants.

We would then need to get an analysis of the fruit for selected nutrients. I don't know how much this would cost.

Maybe we could accept donations. I might be able to get it done free by some of my friends in plant research.

Finally, I think mans existence and his health today is in part the result of the success of man in his genius work of chelating minerals.

While all aspects of "organic growing" sounds good in theory, it is not possible for food production to feed the masses. If implemented on a large scale, it would be cruel to the environment, exactly in the same way it would if all humans become vegetarians.

It is a very small percent of the population that can grow anything by any method. Most are too lazy, afraid to sweat, and afraid of the sun, not to mention that they don't like blisters on their hands.

The human body was designed to produce, grow, capture, kill, run down, trap, or otherwise acquire his own food.

If everyone did this, there would be no world population problem. Many would have starved to death already.

Buying food is the major factor leading to the downfall of a healthy race of people.


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