It could increase BP temporarily but to the point of being hypertension,
no. I have low BP, eating a lot of salt does not even make mine normal.

Theoretically, if we could just think this through, we would not need
hands on reserach to prove anything. We would just follow the logic of
our theroies. In practice this is not borne out by experience.


On Sun, 2004-02-15 at 11:11, Marshall Dudley wrote:
> Theoretically salt intake can increase blood pressure temporarily.  If you 
> look at
> the physics of osmosis than if the salt content of the blood increases 
> suddenly,
> two things will happen. First you will get thirsty and drink something. This 
> is the
> body's way of quickly decreasing the salt concentration in the blood. Second, 
> water
> will be drawn out of the cells.  You can see this effect by putting salt on a 
> slug,
> it will basically desiccate it.  Both of these increase the amount of fluid 
> in the
> circulatory system, with a resulting increase in blood pressure.  But the 
> kidneys
> will rather quickly remove the excess salt, and you should be back where you
> started after a short time.
> Marshall
> Garnet wrote:
> > Salt has never caused high blood pressure. When I was in grad school in
> > the late 70's it was known that it would lower high BP to lower salt
> > intake, but that it was not the cause. Anyone who tells you it is must
> > not be looking at the raw data. <smile>
> >
> > Garnet
> >
> > On Thu, 2004-02-12 at 00:45, Wayne Fugitt wrote:
> > > bodies by taking 1 gram of salt and 1 gram of vit C at
> > > >the same time.....12 times a day.....and they have
> > > >some pretty remarkable pictures on the
> > > >website......waiting to hear from you.
> > >
> > >     I read most of it and looked at the pictures.  Fantastic !
> > >
> > >     I wish I could get some pictures that good with my microscope.
> > >
> > >     In addition, I was delighted to find some support for my ideas on
> > > salt.  Even Adelle Davis was in favor of more salt.
> > >
> > >     She stated that it was a mistake to take glaucoma patients off
> > > salt.  She said that in every case, they improved when salt was added back
> > > to the diet.
> > >
> > >     The Water Cure doctor, Batmanghelidj stated we need 2000 or 2500 mg of
> > > salt per day.
> > > I weighed out this amount, put it in small vials, and keep salt in my
> > > truck, backpack, and range box.
> > >
> > >      I have never been able to ingest as much as he suggested.
> > >
> > >      I believe that we have been told many lies about salt by the
> > > mainstream.  I suppose it is too cheap to be considered a medicine.  Yet I
> > > think it is valuable to some people.
> > >
> > >     All the crap about salt and blood pressure is a lie !
> > >
> > >    I have read that salt can have a bad effect on 50 % of the people.  So,
> > > what about the other half? maybe it has a favorable effect on many 
> > > functions.
> > >
> > >    I have experienced that salt will remove pressure in the eyes in 
> > > seconds.
> > >
> > >    While I have not had a true headache in years, at rare times, I feel a
> > > pressure  in the eyes.
> > > not severe by any means, but it reminds me of the days when I had an
> > > occasional headache.   I sure don't want one of those again.
> > >
> > >    I have not researched this a lot, but the salt will relieve the 
> > > pressure
> > > within 30 to 45 seconds.
> > >
> > >    We need to research this more.  I would try the salt and vitamin C for 
> > > a
> > > time, but I don't know what I would accomplish, other than prove it is not
> > > harmful.
> > >
> > >    Wayne
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
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