It may have been Marlys who directed me to the Bill Henderson book, which I passed along to my friend with the now-deceased wife. Although my friend did not follow the advice to abandon chemo, he found the book a priceless reference, and followed many of the protocols, including several I had never heard of.

This is a crucial reference for any home medical library; Henderson has done a wonderful job.


On Friday, Feb 20, 2004, at 01:28 Asia/Tokyo, wrote:

I'm curious, if you were told by the doctor you had cancer, what would you do?  Or
what direction would you point a loved one in?

First, refuse the chemo and radiation, accept oversight for progress and pain control.  Enlist a family member as "coach," and research and start several alternative means.  Bill Henderson has an encyclopedic effort to help cancer victims connect with the right therapies.  Since the newsletter I got from him this week says it perfectly, and he sends everything out free to people who sign on, I think he would not mind my copying it here.  Hope the List won't mind my taking this space either, as I am sure there are others "out there" who can use the info.  If/when my cancer comes back I will head directly to the alternatives and skip any allopathic means except the surgeon's knife.


 by Bill Henderson

Now That You "Have" Cancer, What's Your Strategy?

Your doctor has said the "C" word and you're puzzling:  "What do I do now? There seem to be so many options.  The doctor is pressing me to get on with
the surgery and chemotherapy/radiation.  Help!"

I've been there.  I know.  Unfortunately for my dear wife, there was no
readily available information in 1990-94 (or, at least, I failed to find it).  Now,
there's too much on the Internet and in books, newsletters, etc. 


Of all the hundreds of people I have now watched overcome their cancer, there seem to be four "essentials" that they all have.  I call them the "Four A's."

Attitude -- all cancer survivors have a positive attitude.  They know that they, not their doctors, are in charge of their health.  They know that all cancers, regardless of type or "stage," can be brought back under control.  They know that they must co-doctor, for the reasons you have already learned about our medical "system."

Advocate -- virtually all the cancer survivors I know also had a loved one or friend
willing to help them.  How?
    * To do the necessary research to get "smarter than their oncologist." 
    * To accompany them to the doctor's office. 
    * To help them decide when to get a second (or third, or fourth) opinion
and help them find a "holistic" doctor. 
    * To help them find and order the cheapest and best quality supplements.

Cancer patients often get depressed, tired or just plain disgusted with the struggle
to overcome their disease.  Get an "advocate."

Assistance -- cancer recovery is not a "do it yourself" project.  Every cancer survivor has had supervision of their treatment and recovery by a qualified medical professional. The letters after his or her name are meaningless (M.D, D.O, N.D, etc.).  What is important is that you, the cancer patient, literally trust them with your life.  Again, the resources for finding such a doctor through Internet directories are phenomenal. My book has eight such web directories in Chapter 1.  But don't neglect the "jungle telegraph."  Ask all your friends (who agree with your approach).  I found my "holistic" doctor
through a "holistic" dentist who had treated my current wife.

Action -- get on with it!  Don't wait to begin taking useful supplements (which we will discuss shortly) until you've found the perfect doctor. Start today.  Time is of the
essence in dealing with cancer.


Whatever else you have decided to do -- whether it's surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, alternative treatment or some combination of all of them -- you must build up your immune system -- immediately.  Almost all cancer patients have a weak immune system.
Like everything else, there are exceptions, but they are rare. 

Remember, your immune system was supposed to cope with the errant cells.  It didn't.  A priority task for you now is to rebuild it -- soonest.  How?  Fortunately, you have several options, all of which work.  They are not cheap.  And they are not covered by insurance.  Examples are MGN3, Oncolyn and BCI-26.  I cover all of them in detail
in my book.  Get one and get started taking it now.


Almost all cancer survivors who used "alternative" (I hate that word!) methods, used somewhere between 4 and 6 different substances.  When they overcame their cancer, neither they nor their doctor could tell you for sure which of the substances did the most work.  Complicating it further, not everyone reacts the same to all substances.
There are many variables. 
        * The various types of cancer cells. 
        * The metabolism of the cancer patient.
        * The discipline he or she used in their diet, exercise, supplements, etc.

What's a cancer patient to do?  My advice.  Come at the cancer from at least four directions.  What do I mean?  Of the 100 or so alternative cancer treatments I am aware of, the ones I recommend use different theories for dealing with the cancer cells.  By using several of them at once, you increase your odds dramatically of over-
coming the cancer.  They also meet my three "absolute" criteria:
    * They are readily available anywhere in the world.
    * They are relatively inexpensive.
    * They work with all types of cancer.  In other words, I know personally many people who have used them and who are cancer-free for months or years
(in some cases 20-30 years).

Tomorrow:  "The Best Treatment Options"

"First, do no harm!"  Hippocrates [400 B.C.]

Bill Henderson
Author, "Cure Your Cancer"

P. S.  Again, if you need the complete information on this subject in my book "Cure Your Cancer" right away, just go to my web site: