Hi Sol , Ode & others ,

There are newsletters punting American Biotech  & other similar stocks as
good buys.  Extreme caution should be your policy.

Incidentally if Utah is the scam capital of the world South Africa must be
right behind.   Greed leads to a downfall.    If it sounds too good to be
true it is NOT true & this dictum has saved me more than I can imagine over
the last thirty years where we have people putting all their savings into a
scam on the advice of their auditors or attorneys who got a great commission
& then lost their all .  Some committed suicide.  This theme is recurrent in
S.A. & even the banks scam their customers.. One bank has  made $3M
disappear & the customer has been fighting for years to get his money back
but he gets dragged from court to court to exhaust his finances & thus make
him desist.  Evil is everywhere!

Sincerely, Julius Kabrun.

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