Morning Julius,

Thank you for the tip about Dr. Roy Kupsinel but his Rx is not valid in
South Africa.  When I visit the U.S. I can have it done if necessary..

No doubt you have heard the term, "Oral Chelation". I have a book about Chelation Therapy and if memory serves correctly, the author interviewed 5000 people that had used Chelation Therapy.

It has been stated that everything we eat is a chelating agency. Many nutrient blends exist that are sold as Oral Chelating products.

I ordered one of these a few months back. It contains 50 different nutrients. As luck would have it, this product arrived the day I realized I had a spider bite, not a fire ant bite.

I included this product in the "War of the Spider Bite". I was taking 15 to 20 of these capsules per day, along with the other battery of nutrients.

I am still unwell & awaiting the result of my biopsy on the 16th of this
month.  Haven't been on my computer as much as usual.

My idea was to use the Oral Chelation as preventive tool, or to possibly eliminate heart disease that has not show up yet.

Considering that even teenagers have heart disease, and many scientists have stated that virtually everyone has heart and artery disease, I must have some too.

A friend my age, 65 has the same symptoms my wife developed a few years back. After walking about 50 yards, pains in the leg develop so severe that one will quit walking.

I have never had these pains, so I relate this to "Shin Splints". I used to get these pains after several weeks of running and jogging regularly.

Usually this happens when you hit the road and feel like you can run forever. After a quarter to half mile, the shins feel like someone hit them with a baseball bat.

Needless to say, you loose all interest in running, and the workout is over.

I did convince my friend to try Oral Chelation. Maybe we can use him as a guinea pig,

He does not belive in Doctors or conventional medicine. Will keep you posted of any results.

I anyone knows of "The Best" oral chelation product, please tell us about it.

I picked the one marketed by Karl Loren. Good Ole Karl may have me fooled, but his writing and his web site information is second to none, in my opinion.

   This like tells us about these products.

   Here is an interesting link from Carl's Site.

   Here is Karl's Main Page.....:


Wayne Fugitt



 "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." Hippocrates