Evening Nenah,

I don't know what is stripping our subjects. I though it was only my messages, then I saw several more.

>>Now, my question, especially for Richard, is this: Before I go out and purchase
a kilogram of potassium chloride, based on your reading of the article, is the
chemistry sound? I value your opinion as an experienced chemist.

It is good to raise questions, especially when you can get a good technical answer by a chemist.

I have been concerned about potassium for a few years.

We might ask, why do the masses not even know how to spell potassium.

Ask 100 of your friends ( or 1000 ) how much potassium do we need per day, and how much to they think they intake?

Their answers, their blank look, along with no general knowledge present in the "general public", tells me that the truth about potassium has been suppressed from the education system.

Call it what you wish.

I feel that I only get enough potassium when the produce in my garden provides it, even though I use a number of supplements.

To beat the FDA, I have a liquid whereas I can get more than 99 mg at one shot.

Many days I get 1000 mg before noon.  After that, I don't worry about it.

Recently on one of my lists, someone asked, "Which food has the most potassium".

This is really a non issue, and a question we need not be concerned with.

Reason being, a tomato, a banana, a squash, a bell pepper, or what have you, ...... all contain about the same amount per 100 grams.

If you have to worry about 25 or 50 mg here and there, you are doomed anyway. All of the fresh raw fruit and vegetables contain virtually the same, 300 to 400 mg per 100 gram serving.

I don't even trust the numbers from the FDA food database because of depleted soils and idiots growing food.

One food wins the "most potassium" per  100 grams.   Almonds
See all the foods that I consider worthwhile at..... www.fugitt.com/trailmix.htm

While we are at it, let kick all the blood testing and blood analysis in the rear too !

A few years back, I became interested in blood analysis. I have learned a lot about politics and worthless blood reports.


The sickest people I know with cancer, virtually no digestion system, constipation, and other diseases have about the same analysis of the most commonly tested items as healthy people?

Why test calcium?   It remains near constant until just before you die.

Plus,...... all these sick people have HIGHER HDL than all the healthy people I know. People that run 25 miles per week, and have done so for years have nearly the same HDL as all my healthy friends. Only ick people have HIGH HDL, in my world. And I am talking about Very Sick people.

Even when my EFA analysis done by the MAYO clinic said everything was in the normal range, what does this mean?

They are comparing me with all the sick and average people in  the world today.

My goal for potassium intake is 2000 to 3000 mg per day.


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