Dear Donna,
         3 cc of DMSO with 300 cc of CS is, essentially, a 10% (by volume) 
mixture----one we have used experimentally for the past 9 years....with never 
an untoward reaction in animals or humans.  Concentrations of 10% DMSO are 
QUITE bitter to the taste buds in the rear of the mouth (in 
humans)....therefore, if ingesting experimentally, one would probably find that 
5% is about the upper limit of easy tolerance.  We have found 10% 
concentrations to stimulate the gag some cases (although this is 
was never harmful, just uncomfortable).  We have never found any complications 
or visual reactions when mixing DMSO with CS.  One proviso however, always 
pour/inject the DMSO into the water fraction....not the reverse.  DMSO X 
water-bearing solutions is a heat generator.  One should remember 
this---especially when diluting larger volumes (e.g. a pint of DMSO with, say, 
2 quarts of water.
         My counsel, derived from many, many, evaluations, is to regard DMSO as 
quite benign....although an exceptionally powerful solvent and transporter of 
many other substances/solutions of substances.  
         Many allopathic-based research/academic groups make an extra effort to 
frighten alternative researchers....regarding possible complications arising 
combining DMSO with other substances....disregarding the fact that a normal 
child possesses more than adequate "common sense"----to comprehend that ANY 
substance found on the planet can be lethal....if one can consume enough of it.
         My impatience with the fomenters of fear and untruth impel me toward 
these remarks.  I am most aware of the caution one is drawn to when 
investigating elements and conditions beyond the normal purview of their 
training or knowledge;  and discretion is, indeed, the better part of valor.  
This said, after 25 years of personal experience with the substance identified 
as DMSO, hundreds of protocols
(some of which one would find difficult to accept), I state, 
categorically----DMSO is one of the most benign substances I (or any of our 
staff) have ever researched for applicable inclusion in experimental medical 
         If you have more than a passing interest in DMSO, I recommend you 
obtain a copy of Dr. Stanley Jacobs book on the subject.  If you desire a 
treatise directed, essentially, to the layman, Pat McGrady's book, "DMSO, The 
Persecuted Drug" is excellent (although somewhat dated in content).  I believe 
there is, at present, a discussion list 
dedicated specifically to DMSO....although I do not know exactly where they are 
located, but I am confident some one on this list does.
         Do forgive this lengthy post, but I have quite visceral feelings 
relating to the obscene manner in which this substance...and the researchers 
attempting to demonstrate its marvelous characteristics, have been vilified by 
the allopathic drug/practitioner combine.
---        Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
Harborne Research Foundation

--------- Original Message ---------

DATE: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 14:50:37

>I just bought the dmso and I believe it is 100% concentration...I am being 
>cautious about mixing it with colloidal silver and wonder if anyone can point 
>to a way to mix it with dmso.  I am only using 3 drops of dmso with 30 cc. of 
>colloidal silver but have no idea if this is effective.

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