Quoting from Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D.

"...you should be advised that we recently completed
an extensive review of the scientific literature on
the safety of silver, especially as it relates to its
one known potential side effect, namely, Argyria.
Argyia is an irreversible discoloration of the pigment
(skin) caused by excessive silver intake or chronic
exposure to silver by certain tissues. The amount of
silver required to develop Argyria is estimated to be
3.8 grams per day. By comparison, standard 10 ppm
colloidal silver contains silver in amounts equaling
less than 1 milligram of silver (1,000 micrograms = 1
milligram; 1,000 milligrams - 1 gram), which therefore
represents an amount approximately 1/500th to 1/1000th
of the amount of silver considered to be a risk in the
development of Argyria."

And again "We know that dogs died from injections of a
type of protein-bound silver in dosages ranging from
500 mg to 1.9 grams of silver depending on the
frequency of administration. This was equivalent in
silver content to giving [per day] a 150 pound adult
between 150 litres and 570 litres of 10 ppm colloidal
silver, or between 75 and 285 liters of 20 ppm
colloidal silver or between 50 and 190 litres of 30
ppm colloidal silver. The 10 gram estimated lethal
dose for humans from Goodman and Gillman is equivalent
to 1000 liters of 10 ppm colloidal silver."

Quoting another silver-list member:
"Argyria is caused by the same mechanism that is used
when developing photographs. It is the same thing. If
you start with a salt of silver, and expose it to
light, some of it will reduce to silver metal. Then if
you have a developer (caffeine is a good developer) in
an alkaline solution (blood is normally alkaline),
additional silver will plate out from the compound
onto the metallic particles, making them grow. That is
the photographic process, and that is how one gets

"Now, the process requires silver salts. There are no
substitutes. Colloidal silver contains no silver
salts. Basically silver salts are what are in
unexposed film. Silver colloid is what is in a
developed photograph. If you put a developed photo
into the sun what does it do. It fades, it doesn't
turn darker. That is because a developed photo has no
silver salts to add to the silver particles since it
is already nothing but reduced silver particles.

"Thus colloidal silver cannot cause argyria.
Theoretically I guess one could take CS with
sufficient ppm and in sufficient quantity to cause
aggregation, but one would likely drown from too much
water first, as the amounts would be truly phenomenal.

"In years of pouring over hardcopy of obscure medical
cases no one has yet found a single report of any
adverse reaction to very fine particles of very fine
silver floating in very pure water."

Stan Jones did not drink very fine particles in very
pure water. He drank colloidal silver mud.

Stay away from the mud.

Terry Chamberlin

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