There is a large gap between the paranoia and irrational fear you are
talking about Terry and what the rest of the list is addressing. Which
is good methodology and procedures.

There is no substitute for good methodologies and they are in and of
themselves worthy of pursuing.

I do not buy into your vision of all of those who are interested in
proper methodologies as fearful and paranoid.

And the fact that you have not seen blue people nor turned blue yourself
means nothing to those who simply want to do it right for the sake of
making a pure product. This is a worthy goal in and of itself.

The side benefit is that one can rest well knowing that one is consuming
no silver salts.

And yes minerals do interact outside of the process of electrolysis,
otherwise we would all be dead as they would not interact properly in
our bodies. Your heart would not be beating in your chest right now if
your assumptions were correct. Take a look at how a never impulse or
action potential is propagated in any good physiology text book.


On Sun, 2004-04-11 at 11:02, Terry Chamberlin wrote:
> William Meyer said:
> " are creating all kinds of silver compounds by
> mixing the ionic silver with other substances."
> No, William, compounds are not created by putting two
> or more minerals together in the same container.
> Otherwise all liquid mineral supplements would be
> dangerous, because we could not know what "compounds"
> might have formed from all those minerals mixed
> together in the supplement. 
> The dynamic that forms compounds is the electrolytic
> process that is the foundation of how we make CS. We
> avoid using mineralized water to make CS because we
> FEAR the possibility that such compounds may be
> created. This fear is, in my opinion, almost paranoid
> in intensity. If the presence of a few minerals in the
> distilled water that most of us use (a few minerals
> that might have gotten in by not thoroughly rinsing
> the jars we make CS in), was even 1/100th as dangerous
> or risky as people fear, then it would be absolute
> catastrophe to use tap or river water, and we would
> have heard of numerous reports of the consequences of
> it. In fact, folks all over the world use water we
> wouldn't even drink to make CS. Where are the blue
> people? Not only can the FDA not produce any reports
> in the US of anyone having any toxic or agyrious
> consequences from any CS that is not made to be a
> compound (silver nitrate, etc.), they don't even know
> of anyone in the WORLD who has done so (Yes, I'm sure
> they will soon be using Stan Jones as ammunition).
> Everyone on this List has heard of how folks used to
> put a silver dollar in a bottle of milk to retard
> spoilage. What kind of compounds would you be afraid
> of happening there? But no one turned blue of had any
> liver damage that I ever heard of.
> I don't want to turn into some kind of Champion of The
> Safety of Silver, but I am watching the level of fear
> on this List of the possibility of making a mistake
> when making CS continue to grow and grow. People talk
> about making a "bad" batch of CS, which I assume means
> CS that is cloudy or has color. I have never thrown
> away a batch yet. Before I started using a timer to
> shut off my batches, I would occasionally over-cook
> one, 'till it was coffee-colored. I would drink it
> anyway. Stan Jones did it everyday, and it still took
> over two years before his supposed argyria occured.
> To follow this over-cautious mentality that I am
> seeing nowadays, it would be dangerous to even take CS
> after meals, because it might form a compound with the
> minerals in your food!
> After nearly five years of freely guzzling CS (with
> the only result of almost no sickness in my family), I
> have seen, heard or read nothing that shakes my
> confidence in the absolute safety of CS/EIS.
> Terry Chamberlin
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