I'm for one am not in any way against big business when it's in integrity. I
do not value deceit, assault upon people, and manipulation of the laws.

What has happened?  Why did doctor's (AMA) not report disability increases
back through the reporting system of disease, disabilities etc?  In all 50
states?  The national average increased by 600% and in some states the
increase was 3000% to 5000 % which is considered 'infinity' in medical
stats.  Curious the apparent' black out of information'.  What about the
consequences to the affected children, their parents, their future and what
will happen to them when their parents are elderly or dead? Who participated
in this?  Are some gapping holes?

Why did the FDA did not report this 'problem' for 6 years across the country
---- it only became 'widely known' when parents registered their children
for school. The California Dept. of Education 'blew the whistle' because
where were the 600% increase in special needs teachers to come from?

The 'criminal part' -  assault upon innocent children - and subsequent
removing responsibility with the Patriot Act is despicable.  Read about
Senator Dan Burton's appeal before Members of the U.S. Congress, Committee
on Government Reform Hearing on Vaccines as a Risk Factor for Autism.  Also
class action suits re austic - damaged children out of Houston were quashed
by the new laws within the Patriot Act.  Are these corporate behaviours
abhorrent?  Hey dude?  What happened?

Source: http://www.autismsocietyofberks.org/pages/news.html

California has just experienced the largest quarterly increase in the number
of new cases of level one autism in it's history. According to DDS, between
July 6, 2001, and October 4, 2001, a record number 705 new cases of DSM IV
autism entered California's developmental services system. As with all of
DDS's autism case growth reporting, the 705 new cases do NOT include other
autism spectrum disorders such as PDD, NOS, Asperger's, etc.

The 2001 Third Quarter report represents a 54% increase over year prior, and
shows that autism accounts for 8 new children entering the system PER DAY.

In October 2000 level one autism accounted for 28% of the total number of
all new intakes (autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, epilepsy, and
conditions similar to mental retardation). Now in October 2001 level one
autism accounted for 36% of all new intakes.  California's numbers are
significant because they are one of the few states to actually track, record
and report. 

Source: California Department of Developmental Services (DDS).
Read the full text at http://www.feat.org

Enough bad news:  You might want to watch on PBS Connections regarding
BodyTalk.  Why? Because this was scheduled to be a 30 min segment and has
been chopped to 1/4 of that...  PBS Houston has film of a 12 year old boy
diagnosed with autism - typical resistance behaviours and not interested in
learning. After a number of BodyTalk sessions agreeable behaviour and
learning to read were of interest to him.  What will 'Connections' will
finally show by May 7th?

There will be a BodyTalk segment on PBS, the Connections show.
Dates:  Friday, May 7 at 9 p.m.
           Sunday, May 9 at 5 p.m.
The segment will be 5-7 minutes long and will be one of several on the
Connections show. 



From: Latta <la...@cablelynx.com>
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 15:58:10 -0500
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>the vital placebo effect in ms etc
Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
Resent-Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 13:55:34 -0700

Do you have any evidence of this or is this just more B.S. against "Big

Marshall Dudley wrote:
Don't forget that since under the law the drug companies can use anything
want for the palcebo. That means that many now use a placebo that has
chemicals or
poisons in it to make the condition worse, so that the drug being tested
will show
up more effective, or even if the drug does nothing, it will still show up
effective when compared to the the placeo.

