Hi folks,
Terry - you are one wily occidental.........  :-)
Ode - Huh???  I would suggest no more coffeeeeeeee, friend!  :-)
As a student of True Alchemy - (the 5000 y.o. one) in book One I was taught 3 critical things:
1. That there is no such thing as a coincidence
2. Any exception destroys the hypothesis.
3. An hypothesis can be wrong - and still work ( remember the atom? Smallest thing in the - Western - Universe for 2000 years?)
Having assembled my CSGen and made a coupla batches, we got into the hooch... er Cs and a few hours later COINCIDENTALLY while reading about Herx effects, I developed a hangover. Very dizzy, nauseous and drymouthed.
That astounding philosopher Kilneth says that he is nearly there with a theory of universal M.E.S.T.control!

(This is a guy who -correctly - argued the fallacies of Einstein 50 years ago as a kid).

The initiator needs to have absolutely zero imagination - in order to not see the ultimate fallacy.
The initiator needs to have an imagination of immense scope and prior proven performance to willfully generate a difference.

Back, back I say! Into your cage!

