Which one would you have bought?

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 9:12 PM
Subject: CS>Praise report

Hi Peter,

Yes, I have heard of the Royal Rife frequency generator and we were
prepared to buy one until my Mother saw a video by Dr. Lorraine Day who
said it didn't work.  Dr. Day didn't say she tried it though so not sure
where she came up with this.  And too, while there are many Rife
machines out there, there was one I would have loved for Mom to buy.

Thank you,

Jean Baugh


Ever hear  of the royal rife frequency generator?RIFE CURED 16 OF 16

"" <> wrote: 

Hi T.J.,

What is the Hippocratic die?  Never heard of it.

My Mother is following the Budwig protocol but her cancer is spread to
the bones where the cure rate is a dismal one in 200.

I'm trying to locate beets, celeraic root and black radishes so she can
try the Breuss vegetable juice diet for 42 days to starve the cancer but
not having any luck, not even on the beets.   I have a call out to a
Thai market this weekend so we might get lucky.

Thank you,

Jean Baugh


>From a client with breast cancer. She used the Budwig protocol and the
Hippocratic die

Hi T.J., it's been a few months since we last talked. I wanted to email
you with an update about my breast cancer. I have been carefully
monitored since the first of Oct. The activity of my cancer was gone in
mid Dec. I've been tested twice since then. Today I was tested again.
CANCER FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I give all the glory to God for my
healing. I have been fateful to eatting right and doing as guided. I'm
planning to set up an Amas test very soon. I already know what it's
going to say, but have to prove it to the medical world. I hope this
report finds you well. Thank you for your help and encouragement in the
very beginning.       Nance Brock

Hope you are having a great day.
>From Frank and Nance 


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