# Amedical diurnal pomiance ........ An apple a day keeps the doctor
# Agametic pusillanimity ................ Faint heart never won fair
# Amorous terricircumflexion ............. Love makes the world go
# Arboreal silvanoscope ....... What to see the forest for the trees
# Autoproctolepsy ................ Make an rear of oneself
# Bimanual ablutionary reciprocity ............ One hand washes the
# Bonumeration ................ Count your blessings
# Chronocide ............ Killing time
# Chronopantraumatherapy ........ Time heals all wounds
# Contralaterograminal hyperviridiance ................. The grass is
greener on the other side
# Cornotaural tenacity ............. Taking the bull by the horns
# Dorsal mordancy ............. Backbiting
# Dorsoreciprocal abrasion ......... You scratch my back, I scratch
# Eluopetric abryolexy ......... A rolling stone gathers no moss
# Equidulcent rosaliance ............. A rose by any other name
# Equinavicularity ....... To be in the same boat with
# Equine chromatic disparity ................. Horse of a different
# Excapillary homolavation ........ I'm gonna wash that man right out
of my hair
# Exocardial autoprandiation ...... Eat your heart out
# Exsartagous inflagration ..... Out of the frying pan, into the fire
# Extritial neo-adventism ....... Out with the old, in with the new
# Fabial effusion ............... Spill the beans
# Felinolingual seizure .......... Cat got your tongue
# Felinophonic similitude .......... The cat's meow
# Fumoincendiary juxtaposition ........ Where there's smoke, there's
# Hippospectral diversion ...... Horse of a different color
# Horticultural circumflagellation .............. Beating around the
# Hyperculinary putrefaction ........ Too many cooks spoil the broth
# Hypermordant mandency ... Biting off more than you can chew
# Hypoclimatosis ........... Under the weather
# Infracaninophilia ..... Love of the underdog
# Lactoprofundant lachrymosis ...... Crying over spilled milk
# Literolachrolepsy ........... Read 'em and weep
# Maternocaligal calceation ................ Your mother wears army
# Monolithic biavicide ... Killing two birds with one stone
# Nondissipatory nonpenuriance ........ Waste not, want not
# Nonparticipatory nonsuperance ......... Nothing ventured, nothing
# Octoglobular postolepsy ............ Behind the eightball
# Optical simiomimicry ....... Monkey see, monkey do
# Opticredulous equivalence ...... Seeing is believing
# Ortectomy ........ Taking out the garbage
# Ovular polycorbulation ....... Putting your eggs in many baskets
# Pedal endojugulepsy ..... Putting your foot in your mouth
# Postovular gallinomics ...... Counting your chickens before they
# Presaltoscope ...... What you look thru before you leap
# Proctalgia ...... A pain in the rear
# Rubrocervix .................. Redneck
# Saxovolvant amuscation ............... A rolling stone gathers no
# Scapular frigidity ................ Cold shoulder
# Scapulorotary apposition ............. Shoulder to the wheel
# Simioavunculosis ................ A monkey's uncle
# Simioluminosity ............. Monkeyshines
# Superaquatic hemoviscosity ........ Blood is thicker than water
# Ultimoglobular succulence .......... Good to the last drop
# Unifacial millenavicular ejaculation ....... The face that launched a
thousand ships
# Vitrodomopetrojection ..................... Throwing a stone from a
glass house
# Xanthodorsal striatosis ....... A yellow stripe down one's back
# Xanthogaster ........ Yellowbelly
# scatashinolepsy . . . . . can't tell s___ from shinola
# akontic anascatapotamosis . . . .  up s___'s creek without a paddle

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