After reading the archives on Wayne Fuggit's treatment of a presumed
recluse spider bite, I have a few questions:

Wayne initially used a heating pad.  My understanding up til now has
been that you'd want to apply ice to a fresh bite in order to inhibit
the spread of the poison.  Wouldn't applying heat have the effect of
spreading the venom?

Several people said that the necrosing damage done by a recluse bite is
caused by the neurotoxic venom. Why then are antibiotics the
conventional treatment?  Although I certainly would want to use an
alternative, they do seem to effectively stop the necrosing, for the
people who go that route.

DMSO is helpful in general because it carries CS used with it deeply
into the tissue and also reduces swelling.  However, it apparently has
the effect of releasing histamines when applied to bee stings and is
thus contraindicated there.  Wouldn't DMSO possibly carry spider bite
venom more deeply into surrounding tissues?  Might it not be
appropriately used later during the bacterial phase of the problem?

The experiences of 2 people in my community with bad spider bites
indicated that MDs tend to take a wait-and-see approach before using
antibiotics.  They sometimes draw a circle with a pen around the wound
and advise waiting to see if there is a spread or other worsening. In
both of these 2 cases the bites healed without treatment, but neither
person knew with certainly what kind of spider had bitten them.  So it
could be that some people are not as allergic to recluse venom as
others, as with bee stings.  It could also be that most of the
self-healing bites aren't those of truly venomous spiders.
The dilemma is, of course, that if its a truly bad bite, the longer you
wait the harder treatment will be.  On the other hand, if you try every
alternative willy-nilly, you'll never know what it was that worked and
you risk developing some false ideas about what did the curing.

I suppose its better overall to try several things, be less clear about
what exactly worked, but be rid of the problem without a huge medical
bill.  Wayne was incredibly courageous, imo, and we now can all benefit
from that.

Thanks to everyone who has responded,

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