My intuitive meters are flashing, "Check your premises."

Is your mind working overtime?


At 11:09 AM 6/6/2004 -0500, you wrote:
I agree, it does not make sense. In fact I have trouble keeping dust OUT of my computer. It acts like a vacuum cleaner. The fans suck air in. I have to vacuum the dust out about 3 times a year.

At 10:57 AM 6/6/04, you wrote:
My intuitive BS meters are flickering.  Nothing rational, but it just does
not seem right.  Look inside an old computer.  It is covered with a film of
dust, and sometimes grease from cooking.  How does the alleged toxic dust
get out of the computer?  Perhaps during its very initial use.  Why can't
the stuff be blown out with a bit of compressed air after construction?  I
can see fiberglass outgassing, and some of the insulation components, too,
but you probably get a much more massive dose from walking into a Wal-Mart.

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