I tried the link, yahoo couldn't find it.


----- Original Message -----
From: Garnet
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 10:04:23 -0500
To: Silver List
Subject: CS>DMSO and CS [was Hello everyone !]

> I use DMSO and CS internally, to rinse and hold in my mouth for tooth
> and gum disease prevention and I also swallow this. Seems to give more
> of an effect than CS alone although I have not experimented that much
> with using it this way, I have used it to get over an unexpected flu
> bug. Unexpected because I was talking 2 oz of CS a day in the morning
> and thought this was enough. I upped that to twice a day for prevention
> and of course more during the actual time I had symptoms.
> I also use DMSO and CS to nebulize for lung symptoms, as nose drops to
> clear a sinus headache and kills any pathogens hanging about in the
> mucous.
> Here is the address to a DMSO List I started last winter. Many here on
> this list are also on the DMSO list, but we seem to discuss both here as
> they are often used together. I dilute all of my DMSO with CS rather
> than simply using distilled water, since I make CS and have it on hand.
> http://groups.yahoo.com/DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO
> Garnet
> On Mon, 2004-07-12 at 09:21, William Amos wrote:
> > I am new to the silver list but not to Colloidals. I am retired and spend a lot of time making them. for the past 2-1/2 years. I have made Colloidal Silver with a 30 volt DC unit I built.
> >
> > Recently I built a 15000 volt AC unit and have been making
> > Gold, Silver, Copper and Zinc. I make and give away the Gold and Silver. I am amazed with the results I have been told from people I give it to.
> >
> > I am still learning, and appreciate the info I receive from your feedback.
> >
> > I read about mixing CS with DMSO. Is this strictly for topical applications.
> >
> > More Later
> >
> > Bill Amos
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> >
> > Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> > OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour
> >