I should try that. I live in Korea, where the tap water is not considered drinkable, unless you boil it (and usually only the Koreans do that, many people by bottled water). Of course, I would add a lot more colloidal silver just to be safe. But I am wondering about potential byproducts with adding silver to tap water.

Or for that matter, hydrogen peroxide with stabling agents to colloidal silver. (not the food grade stuff)


----- Original Message -----
From: Garnet
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 10:10:14 -0500
To: Silver List
Subject: Re: CS>A couple more questions (CS + Hydrogen Peroxide) and (CS +H20)

> I read that 0.03 ppm will keep water sterile. One ppm is 1 mg per liter,
> so this would be 0.03 mg per liter. Not a whole heck of a lot if this
> figure is accurate.
> Garnet
> >
> > Also, I have heard some people say that you can add a little colloidal
> > silver to regular water to purify it. Anyone with any
> --
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