Hi folks,
On the international scene one needs to be careful about descriptions, e.g. in Australia, "food grade" H202 simply means it can be used in the food processing industry e.g. as a cleaning agent in processing equipment. ( I THINK same in USA)
Here are some common values of the product:

Hydrogen Peroxide is created in the atmosphere when ultraviolet light strikes oxygen in the presence of moisture. Ozone (03) is free oxygen (02) plus an extra atom of oxygen. When it comes into contact with water, this extra atom of oxygen splits off very easily. Water (H20) combines with the extra atom of oxygen and becomes hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2).

Hydrogen Peroxide can also me made by the following methods:
* Chemically - treat Barium Peroxide with Sulfuric Acid. Barium Sulfate settles to the bottom and Hydrogen Peroxide is drained off. (To concentrate, it is vacuum distilled.)
   * Treat water with ultraviolet light.
   * Electricity - silent, or open spark methods.
   * Bubble Ozone (03) through cold water.

Hydrogen Peroxides are available in several grades:
   * 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (Drug/Grocery Store Variety)
   * 6% Hydrogen Peroxide (Used by Beauticians for Coloring Hair)
* 30% Re-Agent Hydrogen Peroxide ***************************** usually called "AR" grade in Euro
   * 30-32% Electronic Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
   * 35% Technical Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
   * 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (Also 50% Food Grade H2O2)
   * 90% Hydrogen Peroxide
   * 99.6% Hydrogen Peroxide
 The Analytical Reagent Grade is the purest - by Euro standards.

PERSONAL NOTE: I only use .9999 Silver in making CS. I only let the BEST of anything get near my insides after my own experiences with dual Cancer. Costs a lot more, but then, I only eat Biodynamic or Certified Organic foods - also costs a lot more, but the idea is to "live long and prosper". Same with H202, I only use the best, same with DMSO only AR grade.

Certainly we are only using minuscule quantities and most people are pretty cavalier about sources on these grounds, but I've watched Homeopathy work and aside from the fact that we now understand that the key is H20, because it has a "beyond physics" "memory", I limit my risktaking everywhere I can.

Mind you, I've not had a cold in 15 years, or "flu" or anything else that everybody else gets. My only "illnesses" these days are caused by external "accidents" when I am tricked into eating something that is not safe.

Of course I'm rated as paranoid. But I only have one body in this cycle and I like to keep it free from pain. Cancer tends to make one an expert on pain and if you learn how to beat it, you don't ever want to go back there......

Other funny ideas from the world of Why Cancer etc., are here: http://fablor.com/matrixide

Live long & prosper people!

Himagain's  2,000 cents worth ( adjusted for inflation)

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