Dan writes:
> Sorry, but we CAN'T find it in the archives.  MS is only two
> characters. Searches apparently can only be done on more than 3
> characters. 

Dan, you're correct. There are too many brief acronyms, and even 
regular words (such as eye, ear...) that *should* be legitimate search 
terms but aren't, that the archives are sometimes too difficult to 
search. Add to that the fact that it only searches on full words, and 
you'll often have to do several searches to get everything there is 
even when the subject is an easy one.

The eScribe archives are run by a fellow named Scott, who set them up 
as a business venture that he hoped would be sufficiently profitable 
that, along with other things, he'd be able to be self employed. 

Alas, the concept came up short in that regard and, though he vows to 
keep the archive service running, he's limited to working on it in his 
spare time while holding a regular job and doing all the other things 
his life demands.

Given that it is a free service, we've done pretty well with eScribe. 
It's done its core job and been surprisingly reliable. The recent 
server crashes were the first serious outages we've seen in several 
years of archiving there.

However, there's no great likelihood that we'll see programming 
resources devoted to an effort to improve the search function in any 
meaningful way.

The alternative is to develop and/or implement our own archive system 
or find another service of that sort. I definitely *don't* want to turn 
the silver list into yet another Yahoo group, so we are doomed to 
whatever I (or any helpful volunteers) can put together.

My time and skills are limited. For anyone, it will be a pretty big 
job. I'm open to ideas...

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>