At 05:37 AM 19/07/04, Trem wrote:

Can't tell you how bummed out I am over Mozilla. Went through all the hoops of setting up my mail accounts and passwords, etc. Took a lot of time to get it all tested and to make sure it was operating OK. Then used "Import" to bring all my mailboxes over from outlook Express and it all seemed to work OK. Great....said I.

Hi Trem, not having used Outlook Express since my early training in what you could do to it, years ago, I haven't had that problem - just trashed a carefully built-up scenario when I didn't read the destructions about deleting an earlier version of Moz first! At least it taught me how much rubbish I had accumulated and could well do without! :-)

Did you query the support group on it?
I do seem to recall you have to/had to setup one master account first??


Him - not game to use anything else but Moz and Eudora.

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