Greetings Silver List friends!

It's time to end or migrate a handful of things that are being 

First, any items of a political nature must relate to *important* 
alternative health issues or very closely to Colloidal Silver. Then, a 
heads-up may be posted, with the amount of on-list discussion (little 
to none!) to lessen the farther afield it is from CS.

I don't want discussions of "what we should do" in foreign policy (or 
any other policy), real, hoaxed, by Robin Williams or anybody else.

Please don't reply to such postings, either. Thanks!

Secondly, the discussion on homeopathy should probably migrate to the 
OT list soon. The ideas of intent and programming water by proximity to 
slips of paper, for instance, are fascinating, but of the type that 
would likely strain the credulity of any newcomer that stumbles upon us 
in mid-conversation, branding us as loonies in their eyes and scaring 
them off from us, CS, and possibly alternatives altogether.

Discussing disk crashes, e-mail programs and other computer issues 
should be kept to a minimum. You're among friends here, and I don't 
mind if you get some help, but take the details to private 
correspondence or the OT list fairly quickly.

And as a reminder or to bring it to the attention of our newcomers, the 
Silver Off Topic List is available to all list members. Links to it are 
in the footer at the bottom of this and every list message, along with 
other useful information!

Thank you everyone. The demeanor and quality of discussions here have 
been very good of late. I am indebted to you for keeping my job an easy 
one for a time.

Peace and be well!

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <>