Absolutely wonderful! I feed my cockatiel 10ppm colloidal silver in his water bowl for the past 2 years. He is happy and healthy and has never even had a cold.

At 11:47 PM 7/24/04, you wrote:

I've waited quite a while so as to be certain of what I'm posting.  I have a
parrot (he talks way too much!), who had an infection in his kidneys.
Baytril injected in grapes cured the infection.  Some months pass and Babe
seems to regain the kidney infection.  I ask the specialist vet for some
more Baytril but the vet asked me to bring him (I assume Babe is a he
because I've never seen an egg), in for testing because it might not be an
infection.  Tests show kidney failure but the vet can't tell me exactly what
the cause is or the kind of failure (there are several reasons for kidney

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