Here is a site that sounds good for allergy and pollen sufferers.
a new study from Greece
>  shows SneezEze to be useful in the treatment of chronic
> allergies that can make life miserable all year 'round.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Perennial relief
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> The study was led by Konstantinos Vlahtsis, M.D., professor of
> allergies at Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Dr.
> Vlahtsis and his team recruited 40 subjects (16 men and 24
> women) who were diagnosed with perennial allergic rhinitis,
> which means that their allergies can occur at any time, and may be
> triggered by any of a variety of factors, such as dust mites, pet
> dander, smoke, pollen, etc.
> All of the subjects had previously addressed their symptoms with
> pharmaceuticals (such as antihistamines or decongestants), and
> agreed to refrain from using any of these medications during the
> six-week study period. Subjects were instructed to use SneezEze
> once daily - either in the morning or at the time of day when their
> symptoms usually occurred.
> Four symptoms (sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and watery
> eyes) were evaluated for each subject before the study began, again
> at three weeks, and a final time at six weeks. A scale of one to five
> was used to measure symptoms, with one representing zero
> improvement of symptoms, and five representing complete relief
> and an absence of symptoms.
> The results:
> * At three-weeks, 45 percent of the subjects reported either
> complete or major relief
> * At six-weeks, 90 percent reported at least some improvement in
> their symptoms
> * More than 75 percent reported either complete or major relief
> * An additional 15 percent reported noticeable relief of allergy
> symptoms
> * Less than 3 percent reported no improvement
> Dr. Vlahtsis' study will be published in an upcoming issue of a
> Greek rhinology journal.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> What every nose needs
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> SneezeEze was originally formulated by Mike James to help his
> son find relief from chronic sneezing attacks. After much trial and
> error, Mike came up with a completely organic powdered plant
> extract, which created a gel when it came into contact with
> moisture. Observing that the gel was very similar to mucus, he had
> his son sniff the powder into his nose, and the sneezing stopped
> immediately.
> When I was first introduced to Mike (by e-mail - he lives in
> England), he explained that when people are allergic to pollen and
> other airborne pollutants, their bodies aren't supplying enough
> mucus to properly filter air as it goes through the nasal passages.
> As a result, allergens make contact with the sinuses and lungs,
> triggering wheezing, sneezing, and other unpleasant reactions.
> Nasaleze simply and naturally generates a substitute for the
> missing mucous, which protects sensitive areas.
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Counting pollen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------

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