No one seems to have noticed the wording. Nor has the word 'excessive' been quantified...nor has 'absorption' been linked to any method or means and nowhere has the word 'colloidal' been defined as a specific substance where the term is quite often not used in the same context that we would use it denoting pure silver suspended in and/or pure silver ions dissolved in pure water.

MSP at thousands of PPM is lumped into the catagory along with many insoluable silver salts and compounds which can be suspended if enough stabilizer is used and fit a broad definition of colloidal.

Give me enough jello and I can suspend a lead bullet in water. Add just a bit of gun power and I can kill a lab animal with it by injection, then write a paper about how lead poisoning makes big messy holes in lab animals with a PHD in art appreciation tagged on my name at the end.

The word 'given' does not identify amounts, concentrations, substances other than silver or methods of administration.

The word 'regularly' seems to have been substituted by readers and commentators with the word 'naturally'
It's not even clear what the word regularly means in the sentence. Does it mean 'often' or 'evenly distributed'?

'Generalized impregnation' seems to say evenly distributed but 'accumulates in' confuses the issue again.

Ode [last few ex's were lawyers. If anyone can manipulate NOTHING into sounding like a Supreme Court Case, it's a lawyer. A lawyer is a trained 'pro-con'...professional con artist. I seem to have been generally impreganted with self defense mechanisms and an over sensitive BS meter]

."Definition of Colloidal Minerals For years, Albion has been
>> dedicated to research regarding minerals. In addition, Albion holds
>> over 60 international patents in the process of mineral chelation."

>>> 'Silver:
>>> "Silver does not occur regularly in animal or human tissue... The
>>> major effect of excessive absorption of silver is generalized
>>> impregnation of the tissues where it forms an insoluble complex. .It
>>> accumulates in the spleen, liver, bone marrow, lungs, muscles and
>>> skin. Lesions of the kidney and lungs, as well as arteriosclerosis
>>> have been attributed to industrial and medicinal silver exposure. When
>>> colloidal silver was given to experimental animals, it produced death
>>> due to pulmonary edema and congestion. Hemolysis and resulting bone
>>> marrow hyperplasia have been reported with silver. Chronic bronchitis
>>> has been reported from the medicinal use of colloidal silver.22

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