Here's something I was unaware of.........
The benefits of Silvicidal ES
 An Interview with Jay Kimball of Discovery Experimental Silvacidal ES
is an over the counter (OTC) drug registered with the FDA and it is the
only colloidal silver product (or Mild Silver Protein- MSP) that we know
of that is currently registered OTC with the FDA. The most astounding
attribute regarding Silvicidal ES is the FDA approved labeling of DEDI's
product.  DEDI's Silvicidal ES is labeled an all-natural product to
take orally for general infections with the label listing no known side
In our review of all FDA registered non prescription (OTC) products in
the united states none has ever acquired FDA accepted labeling depicting
to be taken internally for general internal infections. In fact, we
could not find any product via even a prescription in the united states,
or anywhere else in the world, in which the label on the bottle advised
the user to take orally for general internal infections, notwithstanding
listing no side effects!
The FDA is well known worldwide for being the toughest agency in the
world to get a drug approved through. Silvicidal ES's FDA registration
and FDA accepted labeling as an OTC drug available to be purchased
without prescription must truly be what everyone is claiming; the first
real miracle in drug development in decades!
 Anyone know if this is on the up and up?
The entire interview is below, a couple things said I found scarry !

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larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA

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