The colloidal researchers of the late 19th century and
early 20th centuries routinely de-ionized mixtures of
particulates and ions (like LVDC EIS) by a standard
method, the Graham dialyzer, using a bottle with its
bottom cracked off. I presume a bottle was used
because its screw-cap makes it easy to seal a
dialysis diaphragm, and a tall (e.g. like an olive oil
decanter) glass bottle provides a pressure head and
chemical inertness inexpensively.
I recall Richard Harris mentioning how to crack the
bottom off a glass bottle to make a wide-mouth
inert non-floating funnel for thermal stirring. Has
anybody any experience with using the same
method to make a Graham dialyzer to de-ionize
EIS? Thanks in advance for your advice!

Best regards,
