The scouring pad has 'no' effect.
It's just work for no reason.

The electrodes just get "dirty" again very's part of the process, so just let the process be what it is.
Wipe off the loose stuff and let er rip.


At 07:32 PM 9/17/2004 +0000, you wrote:
Hi Garnet, Yesterday you said .....

'I simply wipe it out after each batch and soak it in vinegar and water over night
every 6 or 7th batch, when the mineral deposits that won't wipe out get to be the size of a quarter on the bottom of the vessel'......

This sounds like a good idea to me and saves dollars for water distiller cleaner.
What type of vinegar do you use and when you soak overnight, how much vinegar do you add?

Also, for cleaning electrodes you suggest Kleenex tissues. I have been taught to use a green scouring pad and clean till the silver shines, I cant get the same result with tissues. Is there a reason to use only the tissues? ie. does the scouring pad cause some ill-effect?

I'm very grateful for all I have learned on the list in the last few days, being an amateur... thanks to those who have raised questions and had expert answers, much has been clarified for myself.



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