I went to the website.  Since they are not allowed to say much in favor of 
their instruments, I cannot descern which might suit my purpose, but am very 
interested ingetting either a zapper, magnetic pulser, silver pulser.  
I'd like to know the differerences between these three.  Could those of you who 
have working knowledge of these, kindly email me?   
Thanks much,

Douglas Haack <gvagraph...@adelphia.net> wrote:
Marshall and good Listers

USE site: http://sotainstruments.com/

Works great!

I love my Pulser, also from Sota. I couldn't live without it. Helps my arthritic
hip -- makes my life and any walking activity possible!!

I emailed them and asked for a "refurbished one". This was some 3 years ago and 
was given a discount of of some 25%. If they have any in stock, they'll discount
it. People do return them sometimes.

I coundn't be without mine. Went on a 8 day cruise and forgot my Pulser. Was in
great pain by day eight.

The airport screeners will open your bag when packed in a suitcase or carry-on
luggage. I now have a 72 arrray RED LED light gadget -- travels less
conspicuously. Works well on the hip -- not as good as the pulser. The pulser is
more bulky.

I believe the LED light may not penetrate into the hip deeply enough. The LED
seems good for arthritic hand pain, knees etc.

It's still early on the LED, I've only used it some 3/4 weeks (the sit:
http://theledman.net/). I've settled on the two while watching TV or reading.
It's a nightly routine and I couldn't live without it!!

in SILvation, Douglas H

Marshall Dudley wrote:

> A friend of my daughter has ataxia. Reading up on it, I think the best shot
> at helping would be CS and gatorade and using a magnetic pulsar. I have one
> which I got from Sota ( http://sota-inc.com ). But that web site seems to no
> longer be working. Are they out of business? If so, who would be recommended
> for a supplier for this device now?
> Thanks,
> Marshall
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