Dear Nancy,

 You said:

<<For a cheaper source of coconut oil, I found some at the local Asian
market, only $4 for a pint.  I can't say anything about the processing or
purity, but it is deodorized, so it doesn't interfere with the taste of
food with that strong coconut taste.  I like cooking eggplant with it, as
eggplant can really soak up the oil, but CO with a strong coconut taste
makes the eggplant taste unpleasant.  I also like to put CO on popcorn,
mixed with butter, and topped with Brewer's yeast and/or Parmesan cheese or
blue cheese seasoning powder>>

  **  This is the type of coconut oil you want to avoid.  Deodorizing
requires a high degree of processing.  You may want to read the opinion of
an internationally recognized expert on lipids.

  Other sources are:

"Most commercial grade coconut oils are made from copra. Copra is basically
the dried kernel (meat) of the coconut. It can be made by: smoke drying, sun
drying, or kiln drying , or derivatives or a combination of these three. If
standard copra is used as a starting material, the unrefined coconut oil
extracted from copra is not suitable for consumption and must be purified,
that is refined. This is because the way most copra is dried is very
unsanitary. Most of the copra is dried under the sun in the open air, where
it is exposed to insects and molds. The standard end product made from copra
is RBD coconut oil. RBD stands for refined, bleached, and deodorized. Both
high heat and chemicals (e.g. solvent extractions) are used in this method.
When referring to RBD refined oils, there are two main processes: chemical
extraction using solvent extracts, or the older physical/mechanical

RBD oil is also sometimes hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated.
Hydrogenated oils have been shown to increase serum cholesterol levels which
contribute to heart disease.

One of the main differences between Virgin Coconut oil and refined coconut
oils is the scent and taste. All Virgin Coconut Oils retain the fresh scent
and taste of coconuts, whereas the copra-based refined coconut oils have no
taste at all due to the refining process. Some grades of refined copra-based
oils are also now sold that have a coconut flavor, but are usually bitter
and have a burnt taste to it."


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