Appears to be gibberish to me.

Can anyone else make any sense of it?


At 12:20 PM 10/18/2004 +1000, you wrote:
At 10:31 PM 17/10/04, you wrote:
Has anyone attempted the "Rife" therapy on this virus?
Dr. Dave Kenney

As "everybody knows" that stuff don't work......... Actually, my reading to date on it as a system is that it actually very effectively deals with organisms, but if you study the theory of viral origins, it is more convoluted than the Big Bang Theory.
I'm personally with Bechamp here:
In its simplest form: Pasteur was a proven maniac and a fraud. Unfortunately, his logically unsustainable theories were very, very useful in creating the monster of Pharmaceutical Medicine.

But, to answer the point about this particular "virus":
Just as the 1918 "Flu Epidemic" was as "natural" as most modern afflictions ( based on a GMO) originating in the work to develop deadly gasses during the First World War, this one is a directly ingested monster called generically, FLUORIDE. It is referred to as a "virus" by the cognoscenti simply because it is another mystery - like the "virus" itself. But this mystery is simple: WHY are they doing it to us? Why have they quietly been upping the dose and now switching to a far more "virulent" and deadly form? Its cumulative effects are identical to radiation poisoning. Irreversible at a certain point.
Nothing CS or anything else can do about it.


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