Clif and others,
Canola oil will thrive, Reason 1. Cheap 2. $50,000,000 canadian promotional advertizing, and product testing for sales in every aspect of our lives. 3. people beleve what they read and see in advertizing.
Our only way to be safe from the nasty litte seeds is not to buy anything with canola oil in it.  They are now coming up with new names....IE: Vegetable oil. etc.  I know I used to raise Rape seed as a catch crop in Northern S.Dak. The used to make gear lube with it. But its the processing that makes it bad.  The Japenees cold press it, and it seems to be fine.  Canada  raises a great amount of the total Rape Seed in the world, and uses the test resuls  of cold pressed Rape Seed oil to advertise how good it is for you.   Buy, Olive Oil, coconut oil, walnut oil sunflower oil.  Not in that order of goodness. They are all a better choice for helth.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

cliff hume wrote:
It is my understanding that Canola was genetically engineered from the Rape plant, and as such , could be dangerous to the health.
If such information is not true and therefore harmful to the prosperity to the growers of the product, then someone should step in with the truth and the proof, thus saving many of us the trouble of putting the bread, salad dressings and such, back on the shelves.
Yours truly,
Cliff Hume..
----- Original Message -----
From: bbanever
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 6:52 AM
Subject: CS>CS/Canola Oil

I too have been very disappointed at the extensive use of Canola oil... Whole Foods Market here in So.Cal puts it in everything... I try to avoid it but when I do ingest it I will get indigestion.  Here is some info on Canola.... I don't understand why health food stores use it's shameful.
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