Thanks for clearing a lotta things up.

And I'm not even a milk drinker of any kind.


At 12:28 PM 11/13/2004 -0500, you wrote:
Like most other things we eat, take or do, I consider this a personal choice
with no absolute answers. I disagree with the no-milk people, but also
disagree vehemently that raw milk is inherently bad. My wife grew up on raw
milk and has always been more disease resistant than me, although that
doesn't really prove anything.

I absolutely thrive on milk. When I don't drink enough I tend to get dry
eyes, dry sinuses and mouth ulcers from lack of mucin. I can drink milk and
tell a difference very soon in my eyes. Water won't fix it alone. Maybe
there is something I could take that would substitute for this purpose, but
it sure wouldn't be as much fun as a tall cold glass of milk.

In addition to homogenization and pasteurization destroying enzymes,
homogenization breaks the fat down into smaller globules that supposedly can
pass right through the intestinal walls without being normally digested.
Very bad.

I almost never drink homogenized milk of any fat level. I buy Skim Milk and
Heavy Cream separately to combine in a glass and drink when I want "sweet
milk". I don't drink that too often, most of the time I just drink skim.

I don't use milk on cereal. I don't eat cereal. I'm convinced, for me at
least, that the cereal is one heckuva lot worse for me than the milk. I
can't tolerate whole grains and am in the process of eliminating grains from
my diet.

Raw milk is now illegal in my state, thanks to a dozen Mexicans who killed
themselves using it to make cheese a few years ago. It is still legal in a
neighboring state. Closest raw dairy is 300 miles away. They sell it hormone
and drug free, $2.50 a gallon. I'm planning a trip soon. You can freeze it.

My father wretches from the slightest bit of milk. My maternal grandfather
drank at least a half gallon a day. There has to be room for both extremes.


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