What I said was not intended to be sarcasm David. I truly do not think
Nenah knows how to look up a Therapeutic Index or an LD 50, if she does
she has certainly not demonstrated this ability. Nor the knowledge of
the terms she uses such as toxicity.

She actually said that ozone is an lung irritant but this does not mean
it is toxic. HUH??? 

And Spin Doctoring is so rampant these days that it is becoming an
accepted art form.


On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 23:24, David W Kenney wrote:
> Garnet:
> No need to be sarcastic....
> I think Nenah made her position very clear to thinking people....
> She seemed to say exactly what you attempted to say in an effort to clarify
> her statement...
> Toxicity of nearly everything is dose related...didn't she say that?  Didn't
> you say that?
> Even water is toxic at a high enough dose.
> Anyway, let's try to learn from each other...not cut them apart.
> I have always said that any statement presented is good...no matter how
> exotic or perhaps ridiculous.
> If everyone feels free to state their opinions...without your cutting them
> to shreds...then someone is going to learn something.  The person who wrote
> the opinion....or perhaps, even you.
> Dr. Kenney
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Garnet [mailto:garnetri...@earthlink.net] 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 9:02 PM
> To: Silver List
> Subject: Re: CS>tea tree oil and ozone - REBUTTAL to ozone's toxicity
> On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 16:26, Nenah Sylver wrote:
> > 
> > Ozone must be used properly and in the right concentrations. Of course it
> will
> > irritate your lungs if it's at too high a concentration -- but that
> doesn't mean
> > ozone is toxic. Carrot juice will turn your skin orange if you drink IT at
> too
> > high a concentration; but it doesn't mean that carrot juice is poisonous,
> it
> > just means that you need to know how much to ingeset!
> The definition of toxic is that which is dangerous to health or
> injurious to life. In sufficient concentration pure ozone will kill
> plants, animals and humans. In combination with other substances the
> toxic dose is lower.
> Your statements about needing to know how much to ingest are confounding
> to your assertion that ozone is not toxic Nenah.
> Many substances are non-toxic at low doses or dosed alone but very toxic
> at higher doses or in combination. This point was well made in my
> original post but you seem to have chosen to ignore the specificity of
> the information I presented in order to present a different spin.
> That is what I mean about practitioners who really don't even know
> enough to know how to determine the toxicity of a practice.
> Check the Therapeutic Index and the LD 50 of ozone, that is if you even
> know how to look that up. If not then you are at great risk and so are
> your clients.
> Garnet
> --
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