As I understand this...we are a member of WHO and are automatically
subscribed to whatever they subscribe to.  They have subscribed to this
supplement program and thus the US will somehow automatically be a part of
it next August...
Our sovereignty is slowly being eroded....

-----Original Message-----
From: Nenah Sylver [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 10:02 AM
Subject: CS>How to combat CODEX

> This is very important!  It has already happened in Europe!!!
> If we do not TAKE ACTION to prevent this travesty here, by alerting our 
> legislators, friends etc. we will have only ourselves to blame if CODEX is

> approved in the U.S. (please read the short article for details and for
> way to contact your representives)
> Please do all you can to see that our rights to buy supplements is not 
> unduly restricted.  Thank you in advace for forwarding this email to 
> everyone in you address book.
> ------------------------------------
> from: Health Sciences Institute e-Alert
> December 01, 2004
> Dear Reader,
> In the days and weeks before a major earthquake, seismologists
> often record tremors -subterranean rumbles, signaling that
> something destructive is on the way.
> Consider today's e-Alert a tremor.
> Something very destructive is headed our way, and it will have a
> deeply negative impact on your right to make your own healthcare
> decisions.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Dreaming up dangers
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> In the e-Alert I sent you on Friday, 11/19/04, I shared this
> comment from an HSI member who goes by the initials PKL: "My
> friend, an ND, said 2 years ago that as the date for the USA to
> comply with codex alimentarius rules approached (Aug.2005) we
> would see scare stories coming out in the media about the
> 'dangers' of common vitamins and supplements."
> PKL's friend felt the tremors coming. And his prediction was right
> on the money. In recent e-Alerts I told you about two flawed
> studies that produced over-the-top scare headlines regarding the
> supposed risks of taking vitamins C and E in large doses. But these
> studies are not isolated cases.
> For instance, a recent "long-term study" found that glucosamine
> was less effective than a placebo in relieving arthritis pain. But a
> closer look at the published research reveals that the actual study
> period was only six months long, and all of the subjects had
> previously found glucosamine to be effective over a two-year
> period. (The researchers were counting those two years as part of
> the "long-term".) Nevertheless, this research was reported as a
> failure for glucosamine.
> Is the timing of these and other deliberately negative studies a
> coincidence? Or is it part of a concerted effort to plant the seeds of
> doubt in the mind of the public?
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Harsh harmony
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> As PKL pointed out, the whole point of planting those seeds is to
> prepare for the approaching Codex deadline.
> The U.S. is one of the 165 member countries of the Codex
> Alimentarius Commission - an international food standards
> program created by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
> and the World Health Organization (WHO). One of the purposes
> of the Codex Commission is to "harmonize" international food
> trade. And here are a few key elements of that harmonizing:
> * WHO classifies all dietary supplements as drugs
> * The Codex Commission intends to limit over-the-counter sales of
>   dietary supplements while reclassifying others as
>   pharmaceuticals, available only through a pharmacist
> * Under World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, Codex guidelines
>   override the regulations of individual countries
> * Member countries (including the U.S.) that refuse to accept and
>   enforce the WTO directives are subject to severe trade sanctions
> A strong tremor was felt just last month when the Codex
> Commission approved draft guidelines that will begin restricting
> the sale of dietary supplements as early as next summer. So in spite
> of our current laws that make a wide range of vitamins, minerals
> and herbal formulations readily available, the U.S. is poised to
> simply put those laws aside to conform to the unacceptably
> restrictive Codex guidelines.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Whose country is it anyway?
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Incredible, isn't it? Our freedom to make our own healthcare
> choices may simply be taken away by an international commission.
> But at this point, the imposition of the Codex guidelines isn't
> necessarily a done deal. And although the situation is not
> promising, it's still not too late to help prevent it from happening.
> I strongly urge you to join me in taking a moment to send a brief
> letter or e-mail to your Senators and Representatives. (You can
> easily find Congressional street addresses and e-mail addresses at
> just by entering your zip code. We've heard that snail
> mail gets more attention from our public servants than e-mail.)
> (Note by Dave: If you can't write hard copy mail here's a site you can 
> access to get you representative's and Senators email . .  .
> Suggestion, copy the email to yourself.  When you receive it, print it.
> you have "hard copy"
> Then send by snail mail - won't hurt them to hear from you twice.
> For your senators address:
> For your congressperson's address:
> )
> Tell them that you strongly oppose the international
> "harmonization" of dietary supplement laws, drafted in another
> country, and designed to "protect" you from the choices you make
> about your personal healthcare.
> Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., has written a sobering description of
> what life would be like under the Codex regulations. You can find
> Dr. Wright's editorial on the web site for his Nutrition & Healing
> newsletter: Look for the heading titled
> "Featured Article." Dr. Wright offers links to other resources with
> detailed information about Codex and he also suggests further
> actions we all can take.
> Finally, tell your friends and let them know what's going on. We
> obviously can't depend on the mainstream media to adequately
> report this one, so it's time to get the message out by word of
> mouth.
> If we don't act now, these rumbling tremors may develop into
> something far worse.

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