RE: CS>Enzyme depletion?
From: Yogiboy
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2004 23:11:55

  > A few  more things Mike, all my info is based on what I  have read
  > from different  sources.  We have been conditioned  by  society to
  > believe that  we do not know where disease comes from, like  it is
  > some mysterious occurrence.

  > This system has been ingeniously set up to operate in a  manner to
  > generate revenue. It has gotten really carried away.


  > Please share your thoughts.

  > E.

  It works both ways. A quick google on 'enzyme depletion'  shows many
  hits, but most of them seem to be selling products to add enzymes to
  your diet. The question is do they really work?

  I know  some people abhor quackwatch, but personally I look  for the
  truth wherever  I can find it. Here is an article pointing  out that
  enzymes are proteins, and are simply digested just like  every other
  protein. So the enzyme supplements don't have any effect:

  Some of his arguments are hard to refute. Can you offer any?

Best Wishes,

Mike Monett

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