Sol-- I've posted here once before, and the medical training I've had, is through the school of hard knocks. The symptoms you describe appear to be a viral infection. I don't know, but assume colloidal silver would be helpful since it fights infections. Viruses affect people in different ways, one person may suffer from arthritis, while the other has diabetes or vision and hearing loss, or a myriad of other symptoms. Except for Aids and possibly hepatitis, few understand viruses. Since viruses usually move into cells, and not circulating in the blood, they rarely show up in a blood test. Many doctors tell patients, they're in good health when nothing could be further from the truth. It's the viruses that are killing us, but haven't found anyone yet willing to study them, including NINDS of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda. This is a goverment-research lab funded by the taxpayer FOR the taxpayer. Ho,ho,ho! I've been searching nearly twelve years for someone to study me but no one interested in finding cures. Congress appropriates billions overnight to fight a war, but when the people need it; suddenly, there's little money left to help the disabled and sick, even though the taxpayer pays most of Uncle Sam's bills and brag democracy to the world. Third-world countries do a better job at research than here, the richest nation in the world. No research, no cures. Simple as that. The power lies with the people, will Americans ever wake up before it's too late????
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