At 11:39 AM 14/12/04, Richard wrote:. We still use and recommend the
Garorade, since we KNOW it has been effective for us + I'm a Univ. of
FLorida  graduate, and the Gatorade patent pays money to that fine institution.

Hi Richard,
I'm surprised that you bring mercenary consideration into this "religious"
zone!   :-)

Just kidding... Just Kidding.......

Hey - the sooner everyone starts using Eudora Pro the
better.........   this little sign :  :-)   is often missed  in text -


Friend runs a small shop a REAL corner grocery store from the last
century(!)  has been using CS I gave him because he had a rash from washing
his hands too often.  Fixed it.   We keep a spray bottle of it ourselves
for instant cleanup.....  but he went on to use a drop or two in his
cutflower displays  and as an ex-horticulturalist is amazed at the increase
in longevity!
BUT couldn't resist upping the dose and it lost its effectiveness!

Makes me wonder about how it REALLY works. .........  Still I'm into an
argument with 200 "String Theorists" on a physics list none of whom will
admit that we haven't a clue.  We are all just feeling the Elephant in the



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