Hi Joy, Peter and Himagain,

Very well expressed and thought-out ideas--Thank each of you. I'm a great
believer in Dr. Mercola at mercola.com who has written some wonderful
books--at present on sale at his Site. Most of your expressions agree with
Dr. Mercola's ideas and books. By going to mercola.com you can sign up for
his FREE bi-wekly website and obtain more good info than you would be able
to read in 2005. My wife and I have been trying his diets--which include
lots of meat and eggs and have lost weight to my desired weight of 171 #
(I'm 82 and 6'2") and Audrey continues to gradually lose extra #'s and is
approaching her desired weight. As each of you expressed, everyone is a
unique individual and have some different needs; however, I believe Dr.
Mercola is excellent for ALL; in addition to taking CS + Gatorade (for
electrolyte to take CS deeper into tissues where it cannot go alone) and
adopting a proper lifestyle to help each reach the desired ideal. It is
imperative that each adopt the proper mine set to pursue these issues.

God can guide us into the proper ways IF we allow Him.

Please check my Sites below and let me know if I can be of help.

Richard Harris, 57 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-----Original Message-----
From: Joy [mailto:smjli...@cox.net]
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 11:07 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>About Diets

Peter - I'm no "Himagain" - but this involves changing your whole
concept of what constitutes a meal.
Some folks eat all raw sprouts, veggies, nuts, and fruits, various
combinations to get the needed protein and nutrients.  Some folks cook
the veggies, soak the nuts.  There a zillion ways to go on eating natural.
There is no one URL or site.  You just need to start exploring what you
feel drawn to.  There are a variety of alternative health/diet  e-mail
groups, go check out yahoo for a listing.  Zillions of cookbooks out
there as well, check out diet and cookbooks in your local healthfood
store.  Main thing is no processed foods, at all, period.  I disagree
with Himagain on the "no meat", we've had discussions here in that
regards, though it is very difficult to find "healthy" meat, so there is
a point to avoiding it.  And if in recovery mode it might be a necessary
step to take as well.  For me, my body simply wasn't happy without some
meat, and I feel much better since reincluding some of it in my diet,
being careful to work with food combination issues - meat only with non
starchy veggies.  I don't cook anything I eat other than the moderate
amounts of meat, and eggs, in my diet.  Everything else is raw.  But
that is what works for me.  Others swear on various combinations of
cooked veggies to provide appropriate needed protein sources.  There a
zillion experts, all with what they consider 'THE" answer to good
healthful diet.  You have to sort through what is out there, genuinely
question your own preexisting biases and assumptions and judgements
about what a good diet is - everything society tells us is just plain
wrong, for everybody.
Then start "listening" to your own body's clues and responses,
experiment, and find what works for you.
It likely will change over time.  I went for a number of years totally
raw, and no meat.  developed a whole new set of frozen judgements about
this a "right", and didn't initially listen when my body let me know it
was no longer happy with this arrangement - it was a needed step along
my journey to health, but at a certain point I needed to move on.  I
find my needs, what my body is wanting, is an evolving thing, and I need
to stay "tuned in" to its messages in this regards, and not let _anyone_
tell me what is right or good for me.  but that doesn't mean leting my
conditioned mind and habits convince me of following their
impulses, either, and rationalizing them.  It means genuinely attempting
to "rock the boat" in radical ways,
questioning all habits and diet compulsions, genuinely and objectively
noticing your body's response.
Not just does it "feel" good in the moment, but how does your body
respond to the changes.  Things may
temporarily get worse before getting better - if you choose a diet
healpful to your healing journey, you are likely to start "detoxing" the
stuff you have fed your body that it didn't know what to do with and was
forced to hold till there was a chance to start moving it out.  There's
a genuine learning curve along the way.  Best advice I can give you is
to just go exploring different ideas around healthful diet,
non-consensus ideas, particularly those eliminating all processed foods,
entirely.  See what you are drawn to.  Experiment.  Over the longhaul
you will become better able to hear for yourself your own body's
messages about what it is needing at any given time.  Its a journey.  Joy

Peter Rebaudo wrote:

> Himagain Wrote.
> Key factors in recovery/repair ( from ANY symptoms):
> No "white" anything ever again:  flour, sugar, cakes,
> No booze, no coffee,  no meat, no processed dairy foods.
> Virtually nothing that is "fun" or "convenient" foods,  or
> manufactured/processed outside the home.
> Works for cancer.  Works for MS.  CFS.  Lyme, etc.
> -------------------------------------------
> The above sounds fine but it is difficult to imagine how to prepare a
> meal.
> I went thru your web but could not find anything.
> Can You provide some recipes or a web site link?
> Thanks
> Peter R
> .

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