My wife cut her finger preparing food, that she claimed stung for hours.
When I got home from work I poured some CS over the cut and she claimed the pain went away almost instantly, and never came back. She applied silver impregnated bandaids and it healed in about half the normal healing time. This experience convinced her there was something to this CS that I had been trying to convince her of. With her nurses training background it's sometimes hard to convince her there are better things than presciption drugs.
Dennis G.

Marshall Dudley wrote:

Why the heck did you get a tetanus shot? Tetanus is a bacteria that lives in dung, it cannot survive anywhere else (except in a deep wound). If you had stabbed yourself with a pitchfork shoveling manure, then I would understand, but for a burn that makes no sense at all. It is anarobic, so it will only infect deep puncture wounds where there is little oxygen. Scratches or scrapes exposed to the air have too much oxygen available.

I got my foot cut open a few years ago by some metal strapping getting caught in the lawn mower, and whipping around and cutting through my shoe. I looked at the stats on the probability of dieing from getting tetnus, and dieing from a tetnus shot. The data I looked at showed that that something like 100 times as many people die from the shot per year than from the disease. So I absolutely refused the shot when the doctor offered it.


"Medwith, Robert" wrote:

I forgot to add besides 2 pain meds a tetanus shot and antibiotics, the doctor prescribed Vitamin E and C to promote healing. Never had a doctor actually recommend Vitamins for healing.Bob

    -----Original Message-----
    [] On Behalf Of Medwith, Robert
    Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:00 AM
    To: 'cs'
    Subject: CS>Burns
Well I burned my hand with a Plasma Cutter yesterday, it hurt
    like hell.I kept spraying my hand with CS  and it stoped the pain
    as long as it was wet.I went for treatment, when I was done and
    all bandaged up pain had stoped.I wonder if the pain stoped
    because of the early use of the CS.Second degree burns between
    middle and first finger on left hand.Did the CS have any thing to
    do with the pain stoping.Bob