Don't pay that much. Go to -- best prices  for small 
orders. You should rarely pay more than $2 over spot prices. Go to  a coin show.
 FYI- the USGS says that silver ,at the present level of production and 
consumption.  will be depleted in 14 years- oil in 17 years.  There is only one 
billion oz. of silver above ground  right now- includes coins, bullion, 
jewelry, etc. There is  four billion oz. gold. Silver is an industrial metal. 
You would not be using your computer  now without silver. 
 The total value of silver available(maybe) is $7 billion dollars.  The total 
value of the gold above ground is $2 trillion dollars.  If one half of one 
percent of the gold holders switched to silver, all the silver would be gone in 
an instant.
 The silver price has been manipulated for years. Silver is rarer than gold 
today, has many more uses, and is not recovered like gold. Which is a better 
investment?  TJ

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