Hi there folks,
It seems a lot of people do not know much about Mail capabilities these days at all! I'm beta-testing a new FABLOR sponsored thing which includes a serious ( real inexpensive!) Bus-Inet Course. But, I've been flabbergasted at how little people know even with literally several years experience out in the Cyberbog. This is not like not caring how an automatic gearbox works to use it - although it helps! - This
is all about making your like easier out "there".

This info is being broadcast to all of my key groups - so you may get more than one copy if you are a clever, active type of person who looks for concise, condensed help in your survival/advancement and a member of multiple groups! :-)
As you all know I do not support Microsoft Internet products at all. It is like advising Cocaine sniffers to flush their nose with CS regularly. If by now, you are using Opera which just keeps blowing me away with its niceness, you should also be using EudoraPro for mail. It is unbeatable.

TWO things you should all know:

MAPI - What it is and does - MAKES YOUR LIFE EASIER!

MAPI, which stands for “Messaging Application Program Interface,” is special software that comes built into a variety of software applications, e-mail and otherwise, and lets you attach a file and send an e-mail message from the software you’re currently working in. For example, you can be in a word processing document, a spreadsheet, a graphics file, or the PureVoice window, and you press a button or select a menu command: an e-mail message is automatically opened (in your default e-mail software) and the document you’re currently working on is attached to that message. If your e-mail software uses MAPI. Eudora does, naturally.
One big mystery solved!!
The biggest timesaver of all for TALKING to regular contacts!
*I* couldn't live without it!
What Is QUALCOMM’s PureVoice?

Now you can share your baby’s gurgling sounds with loved ones thousands of miles away, via e-mail. You can send a voice greeting or message to a friend or business associate halfway around the world, over the Internet. In fact, you can share your voice with anyone in the world who has an e-mail account, access to the Internet, and a computer running Windows or Macintosh.* Slow typists have been waiting a long time for the ability to record and send voice messages over e-mail. And if you want to send a message in a language other than the one you can type on your computer, QUALCOMM’s PureVoice offers a fast and easy solution.

QUALCOMM’s PureVoice™ Player-Recorder lets you record and send voice messages with your e-mail, and lets your recipients play back your voice-mail messages on their Windows or Macintosh computer with the click of a mouse.* PureVoice runs on your Windows, Macintosh, or Solaris machine and features an easy-to-use onscreen VCR-like instrument panel. Voice messages you compose with PureVoice have extremely high sound quality — very nearly as high as you would experience in a local phone call made over a good-quality home telephone. Yet the voice messages take up very little space on your computer, and travel very fast over e-mail. You send a voice message by attaching it to an e-mail message using your existing e-mail software — in most cases, this is achieved at the touch of a button in PureVoice! You can also include text in the e-mail message, and attach other files such as graphics and documents. QUALCOMM’s PureVoice is compatible with most e-mail systems, including QUALCOMM’s own Eudora Pro and Eudora Light.

The average computer user comfortably speaks at a rate 10 times faster than he or she can type. There is no need to spell-check a voice message. Voice mail avoids the misinterpretation of moods common in typed e-mail: with voice messages, your recipients don’t have to guess when you’re being wry, funny, or serious. And on the pocketbook side, you can send voice messages without incurring any additional long-distance telephone charges! In an age in which computers are thought to keep us apart, QUALCOMM’s PureVoice Player-Recorder brings us closer together, adding a human touch to communication.

* In order for you to record a voice message using QUALCOMM’s PureVoice, you must be using a PC running a 32-bit version of the Windows operating system (Windows 95, 98 or Windows NT), or you must be using a Macintosh PowerPC model or 68K Macintosh with 68020 or better processor. You must also have a sound card with speakers and a microphone. For your recipients to play your messages, they must have the PureVoice Player-Recorder installed on their 32-bit Windows 95/98/NT machine or their Macintosh PowerPC or 68K Mac, with a sound card and speakers. Additionally, if they wish to record a response, they must have a microphone. Your recipients can download the PureVoice Player-Recorder or Plug-In for free from this Web site: <http://eudora.qualcomm.com/purevoice/>.

Copyright 1997 QUALCOMM Incorporated. All rights reserved.

If you are a more serious intending internet trader, this Course might be just for you. Want to be advised when it is available? mailto:acad...@fablor.com?subject=tellme05

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