----- Original Message ----- 
From: "sol" <sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS>cs for lick granuloma- newcomer

> Nenah,
>   By plain do you mean the clear-coated Wobenzyme? In looking it up,
> there seem to be two forms: clear-coated, and red-coated, both say they
> are enteric-coated. Is there another type of Wobenzyme?
> TIA,
> sol

Hi Sol.
I mean the clear-coated Wobenzyme. The company puts stuff on the red coating to
make it tasty enough for pets to eat. But since it has junk in it that's not
healthy, I won't give it to my dogs. They learned to eat the clear-coated, given
time. My general rule is: I don't eat preservatives, colorings, fake food or
junk, so why feed it to my four-legged friends?

When I first gave Wobenzyme to either dog, she didn't know what to do with it. I
put a tablet in each dog's mouth and closed her mouth and stroked her throat,
trying to get her to chew and swallow the tablet. It was a miserable failure.

So I made it into a game, throwing the tablets onto the floor. They thought it
was great fun and at least put it into their mouth. But then they spit it out.

These are small dogs, so I understood that it might be easier halving the
tablets so they wouldn't feel overwhelmed. That worked great. Now, each morning
just after they awaken and at night just before they nod off to sleep, I give
them their divided tablets (easy to cut with a sharp knife). They look forward
to their treats and chomp them down with no problem.

Both dogs are rescued, and were abused, over-vaccinated, and fed poorly before I
adopted them. But they are alert, lively, and happy. I like to think that my
care of them has contributed to their longevity. This summer, Tali will be 15
and Zumi will be 13. Several years ago Tali completely recovered from Lyme,
thanks to Rife technology, and Zumi is still here despite having breast tumors,
thanks to various protocols that include rubbing CS into her belly with a little

Dogs are wonderful. I can't recommend Wobenzyme highly enough; it helped heal
Tali's cruciate ligament that had been damaged from the Lyme. It really makes a
huge difference in helping her stay limber and not getting stiff.

There are other good enzyme products on the market from Enzymatic Therapy for
instance, but they are in caps. The Wobenzyme is the only one I know of (except
for serropeptase tablets) that is in a form suitable for a dog to chomp on.

Keep in mind that enzymes given therapeutically must be taken on an empty
stomach, so the benefits will go toward functions other than digestion.


Nenah Sylver, PhD
author, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing
and The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy
Holistic health products, supplements and services

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