Interesting commentary Mike, and one I share in principle with 
you.  I picked up the gauntlet for personal well-being 35 years ago....and have 
steadily improved since.  While I have aged, it has been a graceful, linear 
occurrence....manifesting through a gradual loss of lean muscle tissue/brute 
strength and loss of flexibility (more specifically in the upper body 
articulating joints). plus a marked reduction in short-term memory (most 
especially regarding subject matter of moderate import). I have enjoyed 
pronounced resistance to pathogenic insult, retained/increased my terminal 
fatigue index (*stamina), my deductive and inductive mental talents, keen 
eyesight----and optimism regarding human destiny.  It would be remiss of me not 
to endorse/recommend such a course as the one you have just proposed.
                      Sincerely, Brooks. 
----- Original Message -----
From: "M. G. Devour" <>
Subject: Re: CS>RE: Cancer Alternative treatments
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 13:39:49 -5

> Laurie B. writes:
> > My dad has Leukemia that is in remission. Can you direct me to the
> > search for alternative treatments? I would like to start now and
> > hopefully be prepared if needed. Thanks so much.
> Greetings Laurie,
> I've set aside answering your question until I could get past my
> friend's funeral and actually have a chance to spend some time on it.
> I've both posted it to the list and copied it to you directly.
> I'm no expert at this point. Apart from hearsay picked up over the last
> 8 years I've done little more than reading a variety of web sites and a
> few books this last month.  You're exactly right to start your search
> now. Since doctors are not *allowed* to be experts in this area, you'll
> have to become one instead.
> My first effort with Google after learning of Richard's diagnosis was
> to type "coffee enemas" into the search box... I'd heard this phrase
> many times, associated with some cancer treatment or other, and figured
> that if people were enthused about something as bizarre sounding as
> that, there might be a reason. <grin> In fact there is.
> The result was numerous references to the therapy developed by a
> physician named Max Gerson in the first half of the 20th century. Go to
> and type Gerson into the search box and you'll find the book
> recently published by his daughter, Charlotte Gerson, which gives a
> full history and update on the treatment protocol.
> If you follow up enough random links you'll find other therapies
> mentioned, many called by the name of the person who developed them:
> Budwig, Kelly, Beck, Clark, etc. A good starting place is
> ... They cover many different conditions there, cancer
> being one. There are also public forums where you can listen in on
> discussions among searchers like yourself and researchers, patients and
> survivors.
> A key to look for is first person testimonials from people who are not
> trying to sell anything.
> Another area to look into is the several "electromedicine" devices.
> These range from simple things that anybody who can assemble a small
> electronics project can manage, to elaborate, difficult, expensive, and
> potentially dangerous gizmos that may or may not be of any use at all.
> Simply put, there's a lot of schlock out there that you have to get
> past to find the serious researchers and users.
> But, taken all together, I believe that such things are at best
> adjunctive measures to support and enhance an effort to heal by the
> more comprehensive therapies, such as Gerson's.
> John Rigby, Himagain, on this list has given us a glimpse or two of his
> strategies that seems to agree with what I've read about the other
> successful approaches:
> Number one is to eliminate, as perfectly as you can achieve, everything
> that's bad for you from diet and environment. Most include animal
> protein in this category, at least during the early healing phase. Some
> allow a bit of animal protein back in after a time, many do not.
> Contaminants, pollutants, refined foods, toxic fats, artificial
> sweeteners... all are land mines that you need to disarm and remove
> from your path to health.
> Number two is to replace it all with the very best quality food and
> supplementation you can obtain... and it had better be pretty good.
> Most agree this includes an overwhelming portion of your food being
> fresh, raw, organic fruits and vegetables.
> Key to number two is to restore things to your diet that have been all
> but lost by modern agriculture and food processing techniques;
> essential fatty acids, enzymes, trace minerals, vitamins,
> glyconutrients, to name a few.
> Third is to help the body to detoxify. Here's where you'll find
> everything from the aforementioned coffee enemas to various sauna
> technologies, herbals, medicinals... the list is long. Choose a few
> that make sense and be persistent.
> What disappears from your life is the option of being lazy, I'm afraid.
> By the time you've read enough case histories and personal
> testimonials, you'll begin to appreciate just how powerfully you can
> act to restore your health. These therapies don't just cure cancer,
> they cure *you.*
> What also becomes plain is that there are no guarantees. People still
> get sick and die. Sometimes the damage has just been too much. Others
> are unable to stick to the lifestyle. Some choose the wrong options
> despite their best efforts and just come up short.
> Now that I understand this much, I realize I face a decision:
> Do I start to live in a way that's totally different from my family and
> everyone I know, restore my health and outlive nearly all of my peers?
> Or do I continue to live as the rest of the world lives, and die when
> they die?
> I'll be 48 years old this fall. Do you realize I can have another 50
> years or more to live vigorously, invest, love, explore the world? Or I
> can be dead or dieing within 15 years... or months.
> That's my choice. And yours.
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [                        ]
> [Speaking only for myself...               ]
> --
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