At risk of being regarded as terminally senile....I offer the 
following post:
    A former associate of mine has, recently, brought to my attention that 
a-----possibly dangerous----circumstance could be promulgated using existing 
cell phone (or CORDLESS phone) technology.  The information did not relate to 
the possible cancer causing effects of long-term exposure.  Instead, the 
caution came through the SUGGESTION that certain "modulated" super-high 
frequencies could be superimposed on the carrier frequency utilized by the 
phone company....without the slightest knowledge of the phone user.  His 
explanation of the mechanics/modulation techniques are not germane to my 
present comments.  I possess more than average knowledge in the electronics 
field, and his
SPECIFIC revelations caused me serious pause.  To wit:  Certain super-high 
frequencies, properly manipulated, MIGHT accomplish MUCH more than just 
facilitate long term carcinogenic consequences.  Extrapolating the logic just a 
bit makes one VERY nervous....considering the ease with which a "technically 
capable" organization might exploit this potential on a SELECTIVE, INDIVIDUAL, 
INSTANTANEOUS basis.  I am not a conspiracy theorist and do not occupy my time 
in following the possibility of such endeavors.  However, discretion, in the 
face of knowledge....might appear the better course.  I do not offer any 
specific recommendation....short of minimizing ones use of the wireless 
microwave telephone technology, if you are noticeably at variance with 
influential organizations possessing the financial/technical capability for 
prosecuting this technology.
                             Sincerely, Brooks Bradley
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