Regarding the article on:

This article seemed very slippery to me, minimizing
points with dangerous potential and ignoring others.

“Vitamins and minerals are not under the gun. [Like
CS?] Dietary supplements are. [Like herbs? What’s the
difference?] And no outside regulatory body is behind
this move: [? Isn’t this in Europe? Isn’t that an
“outside regularity body”?] the proposed legislation
is the work of American lawmakers looking to safeguard
the public from the unscrupulous and the hazardous. If
you take nothing else from this article, take the
preceding three sentences.” [Is she saying that the
CODEX thing is from US legislators?] 

“Despite their presence on store shelves, not all
dietary supplements are safe for consumers to use, let
alone are beneficial to their health. Products can be
100% natural yet deliver a deadly payload, as have
some in the past. Lacking regulation of such
ingestibles, there is no protection afforded
consumers, and authoritative-looking labels are no
guarantee that what is being vended in those bottles
they envelop is not harmful. Under current law,
dangerous supplements get onto the market and stay
there [unlike dangerous drugs?], with serious physical
harm resulting among those who use them, as was the
case with ephedra, which caused strokes, heart
attacks, and upwards of 150 deaths before the Food and
Drug Administration was finally able to get it out of
the stores.  [Can anyone substantiate this claim? 150
deaths from ephedra? 300 people per year die from

“However, what it seeks and what it can do are very
different things. It has no power to force its will on
any nation. Codex standards are voluntary, which means
if the U.S. doesn't adopt them, they will not govern
the regulation of vitamins, minerals, or dietary
supplements in the USA. Claims that in various
European countries vitamins are now selling for a
horrendous amount or are available only by
prescription are strawmen, because the U.S. (as does
every other nation) makes its own laws, and the new
laws it is proposing in S. 722 and H.R. 3377
specifically and deliberately omit mention of vitamins
or minerals, both of which are already adequately
regulated. “

OK, since I know no one in Europe that I can check
with, I have simply accepted that no one there is able
any longer to buy supplements. Can anyone substantiate
what this article is saying?

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