It is a sad commentary on the general state of affairs.....for list 
members feeling compelled to villify one another.  Unless there is some 
powerful, unknown to me, justifiable circumstance presently extant.....Mr. 
Nave's rhetoric assaulting Mr. Rigby appears unworthy of an adult 
intellect---at least to me.  I do not know either of these gentlemen personally 
and have no intent or desire to generate more adversarial commentary.  However, 
blind-siding another public view, instead of addressing the 
list owner in private---serves only to seed discord among the 
membership----especially the newer ones who possess little in the way of 
knowledge of the nature/character of a majority of the population of much 
longer standing.  Even if such a posting had been made by one such as Marshall, 
James Osborne, Trem, Jason, etc., I would have the same reaction.  Rest assured 
however, I seriously doubt the occurrence of such.  I do not intend this as an 
attack on, or to denigrate Mr. Nave in any way....but am seriously puzzled as 
to his exact motivations for such an action.  
           In no way do I fault Mike for not "brute-forcing"  interventions at 
the drop-of-the-hat....he has served us all faithfully, respectfully, and 
unselfishly....and mostly without deserved accolades.
            It is my hope this incident is not allowed to generate a major 
disruption to membership harmony....or worse, injure the nature and scope of 
the useful information we try to share with one another.
                           Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
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