Getting good info from the commercial bottlersof demineralised water is like pulling teeth. I have been buying a brand that consistently measures 0 on a TDS and about 0.4 on a PWT. It's from the 'ironing aids' dept, not the drinking water section. I rang and asked them why they put 'DO NOT DRINK' and 'NOT TO BE USED IN THERAPEUTIC DEVICES' on the label. As I expected, they said it was just a legal thing. They didnt HAVE to have it on the labels but they dont produce the water in a 'food grade' factory so they just wanted to cover their backsides. Obviously they knew people were buying it and drinking it for CS. And they heard someone entered it into a drinking water taste competition and it won 3rd prize. I always thought water that pure must be reverse osmosis, but the salesman said it wasnt RO, it was 'de-ionised and polished'. (Even though its labelled as 'demineralised'). He said they use a second hand purification set-up they bought from the lab of the local university. (Must have been a damn big uni because they now ship it all over Australia.) I'm not convinced an RO unit isnt involved somewhere. I suspect they may run the water through a RO pre-filter before it goes into the 'polisher', but I could certainly be wrong. Maybe some-one on the list knows about these things and can clarify the difference between de-ionised and demineralised if there is such a thing. All I know is it makes perfectly good CS. Its almost too pure.


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