the beginning of my understanding of one major aspect of how people react and perceive was understanding
how ronald reagan  was labelled the teflon president.
reagan rolled merrily on his way telling jokes and "staying on message".
he did not engage his detractors.

in general:
people will take their cues about you by how you act. i find that people acting from a fear place will act and re-act fearfully and angrily to both legitimate threats
and illegitimate ones.
words are rarily a real threat.
certainly nothing on this list....

in a dispute those operating from fearful ego's will become engaged as their fears
are engaged.
i seperate communication into two parts:
1) the actual information
2)possible bias or ill-will on the part of the other

both of these information sets are informative and neutral.

if someone says things that are charged and irrational all one has to do is refute the specifics.
if one acts charged and irrational than...

in society we need to take some injury to stay in society. we build our relations by being helpful
and not disruptive. in general this is the proper path.

also remember, things come out in the wash. if one is fearful and angry you will find others who are fearful
and angry.
if one is helpful and aware, one will meet more and more others like this.

i find almost all people who have "done me wrong" eventually show up as these type of people and
have relations along these lines.
meanwhile, what i am doing seems to create more and more relations relating to my thoughts and
is that good or bad?
depends on what one is doing.

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