Yeah, it was a movie with a limited release.
Pretty good.
A discussion of the link between quantum physics and spirituality.

I was surprised to see J Z Knight (channels Ramtha) as one of the


Xerox and Wurlitzer will merge to market reproductive organs.

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 10:16:32 -0500, Marshall Dudley
<> wrote:

>I just saw advertised a DVD being released today named "What the Bleep
>Do We Know".  Does anyone know anything about this? I had never heard of
>it before.
>Jim Holmes wrote:
>> One more time, nothing is as it seems.
>> Thank you Marshall.
>> Jim
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Marshall Dudley []
>> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 8:41 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: CS>Vitamin C & Cholesterol
>> And the original natives of Alaska ate almost nothing but meat and fat
>> and never had heart disease before being introduced to processed
>> foods.
>> Marshall
>> Jim Holmes wrote:
>>> Cholesterol is a red herring.  The real culprit is industrial
>>> vegetable oils and trans-fats.  At the beginning of the 1900s,
>>> people ate animal fats on a regular basis.  Myocardial Infarctions
>>> were extremely rare.  The ramp-up exactly follows the use of
>>> industrial oils as food.
>>> Search:  Mary Enig, “The Oiling Of America”.
>>> Mindblowing expose of the whole scam.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Louise []
>>> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 7:32 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: RE: CS>Vitamin C & Cholesterol
>>> How to LOWER cholesterol, first IF we look as to why the body
>>> produces cholesterol we would find it is the bodies attempt to
>>> HEAL.  Number ONE culprits are grains, sugar and starches these
>>> trigger off insulin production  that damages the walls of the
>>> arteries and the body then PRODUCES cholesterol to repair the
>>> damage.
>>> So the true trick to lowering cholesterol production is to lower the
>>> quick release carbs that are CAUSING THE PROBLEM!!!
>>> Omega 3's helps lower the free radicals (they also damage the walls)
>>> so it is helpful as well. but the main thing is to lower the
>>> carbs!!!
>>> Now the reason to take vit B's is the sugars and starches also lower
>>> them as well as the Omega 3's.  But in either case lowering grains,
>>> sugar and starches are the way to solve a LOT of health problems not
>>> just cholesterol.
>>> It will also lower inflammation (often the cause of pain) so there
>>> is a lot of incentive if you are sick or want to be healthier to
>>> lower the grains (wheat being the worse of the grains by the way)
>>> Louise
>>>      -----Original Message-----
>>>      From: Simon []
>>>      Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:41 PM
>>>      To:
>>>      Subject: CS>Vitamin C & Cholesterol
>>>      I have been reading a lot lately about Vitamin C, has
>>>      anyone on the list had any good results with high doses of
>>>      Vitamin C helping to lower cholesterol
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