Depends on how much you take, the proper amount, is 1000mg for every 60
pounds of body WT. twice a day.
According to the MSM people.
You do make your guts a bit more slippery with MSM especially at first when
your not used to it.
You may be stirring up parasites too, they can hardly hang on to the gut
with MSM in your diet twice a day. MSM is a natural occuring sulfer so you
are most likly not having an alergic action, just a different mineral that
you need to get used to taking twice a day.  Back off the ammount then
increse when it gets better., I am not a Dr. just a fellow seeker & and
experminter. Good Luck !
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ
-------Original Message-------
From: Deborah Gerard
Date: 03/25/05 18:41:27
Subject: CS>MSM and stomach reaction
Can someone comment on why, or if it would be the problem, one would have a 
reaction to MSM on taking it. I don't know if it is a coincidence maybe but
my gastrointestinal tract is in an uproar from taking it...again it might be
something else...
Thanks Debbie